I say about eating, I have eggs and fish most evenings as a meal, just to put something solid but with plenty of protein in my stomach, with the exception of the other night where I had a small cottage pie. OMG, taste and sensation overload or what! As delicious as it was, I am keen to avoid such foods for now for a couple of reasons. First being the discomfort of getting food caught in the little gaps, and the still healing gums. It is quite an uncomfortable feeling to try and get the food particles back out again, so easier to avoid for a bit longer.
The second reason being, I am enjoying the weight loss, and this was always part of the plan. I am not feeling ill or weak, and am still getting 1000-1500 calories a day, whilst making sure I get some moderate exercise in where possible, mainly walking or some indoor bike training. But mainly the primary reason is to keep things clean and easier to maintain for me.
Speaking of maintainance I am brushing now, even the gums, which feels like such a strange sensation. For starters having back teeth is weird, so much more work to do with all these teeth, but I have a second chance here and I am not gonna blow it. This has been a long time in the making and I really want the best outcome possible. Also I can use my water flosser too now. I have never had one before, so this evening will be my first time using one, and I reckon things are gonna get messy.
So there, teeth, all going well. I am back in the chair in two weeks time for the teeth to come out for a scan, and maybe a little gum sculpting too, sounds very exciting doesn't it haha. The scan iis to check all is well, and to plan for the next set of temporary teeth which should hopefully come in a couple of weeks time. I am looking forward to the differences with those, and it is hoped that it might help correct the slight lisp I have developed due to the bulk of the first set of temp teeth. The next ones apparently should be a little more streamlined.
I mentioned weightloss, so a quick update. So far in the past two and a bit weeks, I have shifted somewhere in the region of 18lbs, which I am definitely starting to feel now, The routine of mainly liquids is fine with me, with very little in the way of urges to scoff a load of food down. That said, the thought process is still there and I occasionally see pizza or pastries and imagine what it would feel like to down a few slices. But that is all about self control and willpower. Not to mention changing my relationship with food for the better. Anything is OK in moderation, especially when things are under control, but for not I will stay on the easy path, and reap the rewards of weightloss.
Definitely no regrets about going through the process with the teeth, and each time I think about it, it feels like better and better value for money. The support has been incredible, both from the dental practise and close friends, so I am sincerely grateful to everyone for their help, and non judgement on this.
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