Wednesday, March 5, 2025

The sad state of society.

It is the end of a long night shift, I haven't really slept in over 24 hours, and I am flagging, but I just had to write this to get the thoughts and feelings out of my head.

So lets go... This little rant is about society, entitlement and the sheer ferocity that some people use when engaging with complete strangers. We already know that social media is a rather toxic place, and as time goes on people feel more and more entitled to speak to people in any way they choose. Of course we are all entitled to our opinions, and should be free to express them. However some people for some reason feel the need to take it a few steps further . Allow me to explain my example of this.

A couple of years ago I posted a clip of an accident between a cyclist and a van. In the moment, and those that followed I expressed MY opinions on the incident, both openly on social media, and to friends on WhatsApp. It is clear from what I have written what my take on it was, so really not hard to grasp. In the video I can be heard saying "what the fuck..." as the cyclist dived down the inside of a turning van. My alarm at what the cyclist was about to do. After the collision I stop to check they are both OK, and say "I know its a bit of a moment for both side". This comment was referring to the shock they had both experienced in the collision.

At no point did I say anything about blame or fault for the incident, and I go on to ask if they are both OK, specifically pointing at the van driver expressing he had a shock. Anyway, those are the facts of what happened. But who am I to tell others what to think. 

Recently the video resurfaced and was shared and viewed many times, which obviously encourages people to comment, and that is where my alarm and disappointment begins. There are all sorts of comments, mostly people correctly directing fault to the cyclist. Some choose the use of some tasty and frankly unnecessary language, with some sad people deciding that more harm should have come to the cyclist involved.

Then we have the cycling haters, who just take any opportunity to spout the usual "shouldn't be on the road", "who's going to pay for the damage because bikes aren't insured". Par for the course really, and a group I am happy to ignore all day long. Or occasionally reply to just to anger the bee in their bonnet. 

But the ones that really alarm me the most are the ones who feel the need or right to be so angry about things, and demand that their version of events is the right one, and use any language they choose to get their point across in the loudest and most grotesque way. There have been plenty of people saying that the verbal comments heard on the video somehow blame the van driver for the collision. "It's clear..." is how the comments usually begin. Cyclist defending cyclist "you're all the same" A little ironic maybe?

Then we get onto the personal attacks. From a 50 second clip on the internet, these geniuses are able to determine my weight, age, sexuality and so much more. Well, its that or they are just opinionated morons with poor language skills and are unable to communicate what they actually think. Use your words little Timmy 😂. But seriously, these people walk among us, with their anger and instant opinions ready to go at a moments notice.  Seemingly unable of reading a quite footnote or description, incapable of engaging in a meaningful discussion, and unwilling for one moment, regardless of the facts presented, to admit they were wrong. Or lets be fair, not wrong, but simply misinterpreted the situation they saw.

The number of exchanges with such people has really been quite shocking. While I am not offended, and don't take any of their comments or name calling to heart, I just think it is so sad that there are THAT many people out there with such vile thoughts. On the flip side I am sad for them, as in reality they have nothing better to do than troll the internet, looking for things to have twisted opinions on. Of course I realise that some of these are people who just get kicks out of being an arsehole to others, and if that is what floats your boat so be it.

The worst part about all this is that this is the comments on ONE video, albeit a popular one. But these people are everywhere, filling comment sections with uneducated biased opinions, with the sole purpose of causing offence and upsetting people. As I say, on this occasion no offence has been taken and no harm done. However there are vulnerable people out there who are seriously affected by these things, and these trolls are hell bent on getting to them, and getting a reaction.

I don't know what the actual point of me writing this is, other than to ironically have my opinion on their opinions, and to express my concerns at how low society has fallen. With people from all walks of life chiming in on things just to try their hardest to cause offence. I really can't get my head around people feeling the need to go beyond stating their opinion on the facts at hand. As I say it is quite nice that I would say the majority are able to just say a quick comment saying what they think happened. Some are even willing to engage in discussion to gather further info. But some, nope, not having it, I know what I saw, and it was this... Followed by a load of personal insults. I don't get it!

I should point out that I know I have and possibly still do make quick judgements on situations and people, it is after all human nature to make a quick decision so we can act accordingly. However I refrain from personal attacks, and while I might think something, I would never think it was OK to post it on social media.

My take away from this is that we live in a world which takes life 15 seconds at a time, one TikTok, Instagram Reel, and whatever Facebook call theirs, at a time, and feel that everything is there to be judges. Almost like the jesters and acts for royalty in medieval times, a simple thumbs up and thumbs down does not suffice. And a thumbs down turns into being locked into the stocks of social media and flogged to exhaustion. What a world!

So my message to those who think they have the right to bully, attack, berate and target people on social media, especially when you have misinterpreted the facts, the joke is on your moron. While you think you are being clever, you are actually making a complete arse of yourself, and showing the world what a sad individual you are. The fact that most hide behind fake profiles just says it all. You don't even have the courage or confidence to speak as yourself. So your words are hollow to most. However, be aware to some they are damaging and dangerous, and your words may have consequences. While you might feel that doesn't affect you, remember just how many people struggle with their mental health, and become vulnerable. One day the target of one of these attacks my be on someone you care about, or even yourself whilst having a low. 

What's better, the world is set right, and my thoughts are at rest now. Rant over. 

PS, I did say at the start I was tired, so if this reads as a jumbled mess of words and makes no sense, I make no apologies. 😜

PPS If you wanted to see the clip and the comments they are here. 

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