Sunday, June 3, 2018

Last word game.

Following my decision to leave recently, I have been having a back and forth with the owner of the forum.
The decision to leave was made after I realised it was impossible to have a meaningful existence on there, while it is being run the way it is.

On requesting the removal of my account, I was made aware by email, of a rather condescending comment being made about my leaving. Same sort of rubbish that has been posted in the past. A little willy wave, followed by some high fives no doubt.

Unhappy with this, I took to email and my blog to express my annoyance that even in my absence, I was still  somehow up for discussion. Naturally this caused some upset, as documented in previous posts. During the emailed being exchanged, and the first blog post going up, the admin of the forum took it upon themselves to block the IP address which I use. Which is fair enough.

However, someone started emailing my other half shortly before the block was put in place, dragging her into the argument, suggesting her account was being used to view discussions. Now you can look at this in one of two ways.
Firstly, that all information within the forum is subject to a non disclosure agreement, and that discussing it within a family home is not legally permitted. I am sure some would like to believe this was the case.
Or secondly, someone was unhappy with being asked why they were still making stupid comments, and not wanting prying eyes to see what was being said.
Bad news, others can still see it, others are disgusted with the way things are being dealt with.
I of course have been told I am being stupid too, but I knew that already.

Following my decision to remove mentions of an actual name from the blog, which is now back on the table for reconsideration, I received a polite email thanking me for doing so, and stating my IP would be unblocked. Nice, polite, mature. Thank you.

Sadly, trying to have the last laugh, my other half then received an email saying she could now access the forum again following me "toning down" my blog.

First up, she is nothing to do with this, so stop trying to use her as a pawn in this. Sending stupid messages to her, which he knows will filter back to me, and who knows, maybe even knew it would result in this blog entry.
Secondly, the game is over, you are no longer in control of what is posted, and you have successfully caused another forum member to leave, due to your arrogance, and insistence on having the last little muttered word at the end of it all.
I am sure that if this was on the forum, being pulled up on such smarmy comments would result in something along the lines of "sorry if you took offence, you misunderstand". The same line used to try and pacify or belittle anyone who dares to question the intent and context of your comments.

Once again, emails have been exchanged, and as expected, it was a simple courteous message, I clearly read more into it than was there.

So, well done team, keep up the great work, you are managing to do what you accuse other of trying to do, all by yourselves.

Maybe it would be worth doing a member wide, anonymous questionnaire, a satisfaction survey, and see just how many people are a little disgruntled or disillusioned at the way some things are dealt with on the forum. I think you might be surprised, especially if people are honest with you. Or who knows, maybe you won't be, maybe you know damn well what impact your behaviour is having, but prefer to deflect the blame onto others.


  1. Chris Beach sounds like a cum guzzling snot gobbler.... move on, life is short, like his penis
